Book Reviews from Deena

Heart shape filled with books on shelvesCheck out these book reviews from Deena.  Deena was a member of the Library’s Patron Service Team who recently retired.  She has generously continued to share book reviews with us.  Thank you, Deena!

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When We Were Sisters by Emilie Richards  DB98713

Cecilia and Robin were foster sisters.  Robin went on to marry and have children.  Cecilia became a singer, who made it big.  Cecilia is making a film about foster care and asked Robin to talk about their shared experiences.  The two women uncover long-buried secrets about their lives when they were in foster care.

Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes  DB33245

Charley, a mentally handicapped young man is given experimental surgery to improve his intelligence by a recommendation of his teacher.  At the same time a mouse, Algernon is given the same surgery.  To gauge his mental ability, he “races” the mouse in a maze.  Before his operation, the mouse almost always wins. After the surgery, Charley becomes a genius.  He realizes how he was taunted and made fun of by other people before his surgery.  After a while, Algernon goes back to the way he was originally and Charley realizes it will happen to him too.  This book is what I would classify as a modern classic.  This story has been made into a movie twice.

Don’t You Cry by Mary Kubica  DB92975

Quinn’s roommate, Esther, is missing.  As Quinn investigates she comes to believe Esther was trying to kill her.  Meanwhile, Alex living in another state meets a mysterious girl, who won’t tell him much about herself.  The parallel stories finally converge and Esther is found with the help of Quinn’s friend. This is an interesting psychological thriller with a surprise ending.

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