Peek-a-Box Program

Peek-A-Box Logo, blue polka dot with a stack of books.Peek-a-Box is a new program presented to you by the Iowa Library for the Blind and Print Disabled.  Peek-a-Box will offer patrons, ages 18 years and older, a program to receive a monthly box of books and goodies just for them.  Each month patrons in the program will receive a special box filled with books – audio or braille or large print – and goodies centered around a theme. 

Patrons who opt for audiobooks will receive a cartridge with 10-20 books dedicated to the theme of the month.  Patrons who choose to get braille or large print will receive 1-3 books.  Braille and large print books will be mailed separately, apart from the Peek-a-Box.  Patrons should return the cartridges and books when finished with them and keep the goodies for themselves.  Books to borrow and goodies to keep!

New for 2024

Embark on a reading road trip with us as we travel along Interstate 80 from the west coast to the east coast.  Each month will feature a different state in which I-80 passes through.  The books included for that month will highlight authors from that state, books set in that state, books about that state and more!  Participants will receive a tactile map of the United States with I-80 featured, a refrigerator magnet from each state and snacks special to that state. Come along with us as we discover new and exciting books along the I-80 corridor!

If you are interested in subscribing to Peek-a-Box, please complete this registration form or contact the library at 515.281.1323 and we can help get you subscribed.  By subscribing to Peek-a-Box, you are subscribing to 12 months of Peek-a-Boxes, but you can cancel your subscription at any time by contacting the library.